Thursday, June 28, 2012

ahh choo!

Phoebe thinks it is hilarious when someone sneezes. Even a fake sneeze will do the trick. Here are some of the results of me sneezing at her. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

2 month check up

13.6 pounds 95%
24 inches long 96%
16 inch head circumfrence 97%

It went fine, she didn't love the shots but we both survived. Healthy as a horse. Cute as a button.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dangit Debby

I was out working on the crib and a big gust of wind came and BANG! the front part of the crib blew over and smacked into the cement patio. OHHH NOOOO! I blame tropical storm Debby. Look at this cement impression. Do you know how much sanding this is going to require to remove?! Not to mention that I'll have to go back and re-stain that part, or the whole piece to get it even looking again. That was a low blow Debby. 

At my current rate of progress, or rather un-progress and Phoebe's current rate of growth, we might be skipping the crib stage and going straight to a toddler bed. Shoot, Phoebe will probably be old enough to help me assemble the darn bed. 

She has a doctors appointment tomorrow. Place your bets on how much she weighs at 2 months 1 week. 

We went mattress shopping this weekend. Yikes. Brent likes super hard and I like super soft. Needless to say, we didn't buy one. 

Phoebe has been a drooling machine lately so I've been putting a bib on her. Now she just tries to eat the bib, which results in more drool. 

or she'll try to eat her hand

otherwise she just looks cute. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Here are my supervisors while I'm working on sanding the crib. They run a tight operation.

 It's too hot out for pants. I'll skip the pictures of what I'm wearing. 

hanging out with Daddy

I made these cupcakes for Father's Day. They are chocolate with chocolate chips inthe batter, filled with chocolate mousse, topped with a dark chocolate ganache and a white chocolate drizzle. All homemade. Dang. 

Watch Phoebe solve this question
Hey Phoebe, guess who is two months old?

 I just don't know.

 You are, silly. 

 ohh. you got me!

 Baby's first crossbones and skull outfit. 

I have been working on the crib every chance I get. I have stripped it, sanded it with 80 grit, sanded it with 150 grit, and finally sanded it with 220 grit. Now I have removed all the saw dust with this tack cloth. 

Then I coated everything with pre-stain to hopefully make the stain absorb into the wood evenly. 

And then I sanded everything with 220 again. 

 I put this stain on and let it soak in for 8 minutes and then I wiped everything else off. It is a little darker than I think I want, but I'm not starting over. I guess I should have let it soak in for 5 or 6 minutes. Oh well. Its done.
Now I need to sand again. 
Then I'll put on the Polyurethane 3 times and let it sit for a week and it will be done!

Here is the picture of just the stain, no poly. 

It's not perfect, but the teeth marks are gone and it looks alright. Maybe it'll look better with the clear coat on top. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Alligator Alley

This weekend we went to Alligator Alley. It is a home for Alligators that got in trouble for one reason or another(eating dogs, swimming in the girl scouts pond, taking over swimming pools). They have over 200 gators there. I think I'd ask for more than just a stick before I did what this guy does for a living.

3 year old alligator

 Mr. Snaggles

 Daddy daughter time

 First he would whap the alligator in the head and dangle a piece of meat above it's head in attempts at luring it on the bank. He didn't have much luck this time. he couldn't get any one to get all the way up. It was still funny watching him yelling, "heel Mr. Snaggles!" His alligators are about as well trained as my dog.

armed with just a stick. Even the swamp people take a .22

holding the baby

holding the baby alligator

 These guys just hatched in September

 He is over 13 feet long and got into trouble for eating dogs. (Kona close your eyes) They call him the labrador retriever-retriever. 

We even saw a shark. 

But it was just a baby shark. 

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.