Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christas wrap up

Scotty, Hollywood, Michelle and Phoebe hanging out Christmas morning.

Waiting to have the girls picture taken with Santa at the Bass Pro Shop

 Family photo time
Kim,Phoebe, Brent, Jesse, Marla, Annika, Scotty, Michelle 
Becky, Ken

 Phoebe and Annika playing 

Michelle and two african animal print babies

Hawkeye clothes!

The Y bike. Its wheels turn 360 degrees, Pheebs is a wild women on our tile floor already and her legs don't quite reach the floor yet.

 Phoebe and Great Grandma Priscilla

The day after Christmas we packed up and headed to Omaha.

Family Photo Time
Jason, Kerrisa, John, Kim, Brent
Judy, Eunice, Phoebe, Manley, Jason

Phoebe and her Great Aunt Donna from Alaska

 Jaxson liked to push the button on the camera

getting two kiddos to sit, smile, and look at the camera was tough work

 no smiles, but this is probably the best picture I got. At least they're both sitting still. 
 It didn't last long until Phoebe was on the move.

Jaxson got a tool bench for Christmas and Phoebe was pretty interested in it too

Looking out the windows was also a lot of fun!

 both of them hard at work

Jaxson pushing Phoebe around on his car.

 Phoebe with Uncle Jason, Aunt Kerissa, and cousin Jaxson

On our way back through Iowa we stopped for lunch and Phoebe had to wear the sombrero. 

Brent had a lot of toys to assemble once we got back home. Phoebe had to help.

We need some higher guard rails on this wagon.

Playing with her baby doll and stroller 

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