Sunday, November 25, 2012

swimming with manatees

Getting our wet suits on! It was a bit chilly at 6 in the morning but the water was still 72 degrees.
 Phoebe bundled up with her life jacket on
 The manatees roll over for belly rubs like giant puppies

 Trying to climb up the ladder into our boat
 Chewing on the anchor's rope

 They are really curious and love to play with the ropes and ladder on  the boat

 Watching manatees was hard work for Pheebs
 But she woke up happy and ready to watch some more

 See all the dark spots in the water? Those are the manatees! They were everywhere.

 Bear crossing?!?! In Florida??? Who knew. 

 Stopping to stretch our legs on the drive to Panama City.

There are soo many shells. 

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