Friday, November 16, 2012


Phoebe has figured out how to move forward. I wouldn't say she is really good at it yet, but she can do it. She has always loved the fireplace and as soon as she was able to roll she gravitated towards that. She likes to stick her fingers in the air grates and play with the doors. All of these things sound safe right? Don't worry. I took care of it. I might have got a little carried away with the tape, but she is definitely not getting in there. She has also figured out how to open the doors on the entertainment stand. I'll have to get my tape out again! She really likes standing on the couch and peeking over at Flash. She likes the game of peek-a-boo so much you don't even have to cover your eyes or go anywhere. Just say boo at her and she giggles.  

Here we are getting ready to check out the pier on Pensacola Beach. Gotta load up that stroller:) 

 We saw a sting ray go swimming by

Here she is getting into the entertainment center. busted!

saying hi to Flash in the morning

You wouldn't believe how good she is at walking (while holding both hands of course) I'll have to get a  video of it to show you. 

Pheebs and I went to work at the pre-school/daycare for one week and Phoebe caught a gnarly cold. She is almost over it but it was a rough couple of nights as she learned how to breathe out of her mouth. Poor baby. But we haven't been able to go back because I need some paperwork/class/certification/whoknowswhat and until I have that I'm not able to be the teacher. I did spend one day -the longest 4 hours of my life- in the toddler room. I had eleven 2 and 3 year olds and it was a nightmare. They wouldn't listen to me at all. I had one kid naked from the waist down more times than I can count. I gave them some paper and crayons and no one colored on the paper- but the table was very pretty. Then they ripped up the styrofoam bowls that the crayons went in and threw crayons everywhere. Savages!  No one would help clean up. Did I mention I didn't know any of their names?  I was just thrown in the room with no real introduction. We missed recess because I didn't know what time it was and the schedule posted on the wall had the wrong time on it. Lunch was a disaster. Diced carrots everywhere! At nap time I couldn't get them to stay on their mats. It was terrible.  I eventually had to yell for help. Words don't really do justice for how bad it was. I'll take a room full of severely handicapped students over a room of toddlers any day.  

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