Monday, October 8, 2012

corn (a)maze(ing)

A few cute shots hanging around the house.

Phoebe's first Oktoberfest 

 When the German Band came marching through the crowd Phoebe put my arm in a death grip. 

At the pumpkin patch she wasn't too thrilled with these pumpkins.
 But we found one that made her happy

 We did a 7 acre corn maze.  They gave us a trivia sheet with ten questions on it to help us find our way. We picked the corn trivia, it's only appropriate right? The problem was you had to find the number in the corn maze before you could answer the corn question to determine a right turn or left turn. There was a time when I thought we would be in the corn maze forever. But luckily 32 minutes later we conquered the corn maze. 


 Phoebe thought the corn maze was hilarious and chuckled through most of it. 

On the way home Brent saw a sign for an archaeological something or other and we had to stop to check it out. 

1 comment:

  1. I love how no matter where you go there seems to be a face cut out for Phoebe to pose through!!!!
