Tuesday, October 16, 2012

books books books

Teeth!!! She has two bottom teeth now. If you look hard and use your imagination you can see them.

Courtney these pictures are for you....and Trucker Pam :)

We went on a nature walk in search of the "rare" carnivorous pitcher plant. It is in fact, not very "rare" on this walk. they're the white plants in the center(ish) of the photo. Here's my picture of the pitcher. 

We carved our pumpkins...and they have since promptly rotted and died. ehhh. opps. 

Phoebe is practicing drinking from a sippy cup. I'm pretty sure she doesn't get anything out of it, but has a blast banging it around. 

She has been doing some funny poses lately. She gets into a push up position and hold that for a while. (that's what I was trying to get a picture of...but I think I missed it) She also lifts her butt up in the air, think baby downward dog, but then she tips over because, well, she's a baby. 

Books, books, books. She loves books. Especially these two.

Brent study study studying.  

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