Tuesday, August 7, 2012

oh no.

On sunday morning Brent came into the bedroom after letting Flash out and said, "I need you to help me catch a lizard that ran in when I let Flash out." Oh no. Immediately, I am sure that this is waiting for me in the living room. 

But I put on my brave face and went out to face the dragon. Brent was pretty sure it was behind the bookcase so he had me slowly pull it away from the wall. I was relieved to not find a 6 foot long komodo dragon. Instead there was a teeny tiny baby lizard. (who was crazy fast none-the-less)

 Look how cute this little guy is!

Today while Phoebe was taking a snooze I was doing something in the kitchen and Flash was taking a snooze on his dog bed. Suddenly he jumps 4 feet in the air and starts barking at his bed. I look over. Oh no, another freaking lizard. Bigger, but still no dragon. I was on my own to wrangle this one, so I got my lizard catching cup and secured the beast. This one has a blue tail, kind of neat if it weren't in my house. I'm not sure how this one got in. I've been super careful while letting Flash in and out. 
I can't wait to go back to Alaska. 


  1. you almost had me fooled...I was like, holy moly....frick! but then I know deep in my heart, NO WAY! I would seriously DIE if I happen to run into on of those huge dragons, I think they are called blah blah dragons...right?! I can't wait to have you back in AK. tootles

  2. Leaping Lizards! Can't wait until you're back in AK too :)
