Sunday, August 19, 2012

4 months

She has a lot to say. 

 I can never decide which picture I want to put on here so I just upload them all.  
 She can roll over with no problem. She likes bananas, peaches, sweet potatoes, carrots, pears, and apples. She does not like green beans, peas and squash- and makes that very clear. She is still waking up usually twice sometimes three times a night. We have talked about how most 4 month olds are sleeping through the night, but she's not on board with that yet. She has been sleeping at least part of the night in her crib. Until she wears me down and I finally cave and just put her next to me. She smiles and laughs at Flash.  She makes a lot of noise. She has just recently started taking a pacifier again. There was a long stint that she would spit it out and look at you like you just insulted her intelligence by offering her something so useless and as a result become more ticked off. She is becoming more and more interested in toys, books and her toes.  She still likes her swing, but can somehow manage to dangle over the edge even while strapped in, so we haven't been using it nearly as much and have been spending more time in the jumper.  And that in a nutshell, catches you up on all things Phoebe.

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