Tuesday, April 28, 2015


We went to Sequoia national Park. It was AWESOME!!! You should all go there. 

General Sherman. The world's largest tree. 

 Daphne didn't make the cut in this family selfie. She's there, I promise. 

 Phoebe was a nut case over the "pine combs" She was running around yelling, "oh look, more pine combs! let's go meet them! More pine comb families!" 

 Deer were everywhere in the park. We didn't do a great job getting them in focus, but they're out there. 

 Our little cabin and our pine comb family. 
 getting the two girls to sleep in one bed was a challenge. Daphne wanted to watch the movie too. 
 But Phoebe body slammed her back in her place. 

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