Monday, July 23, 2012

What's black and white and cute all over?

This is adorable. Look at those socks. Are you kidding me?! We had 3 month pictures taken on Saturday and I'm a little worried about them because this smiley baby could not have been more serious at the photo shoot. I think we got her to crack one smile. The photographer probably thinks we're nuts because during her session I was sneezing and yawning and trying all of my tricks (that do work at home!) and Brent was bouncing her and smacking her booty(both of which are fail proof last resort methods to restore the peace at home) and Phoebe just stared at us like we weren't funny at all. For the record: we are funny. Sooo, the photographer is supposed to email me a sneak peak in a week and have the whole shabang done in two. I can't wait to see them, even if we had the most serious baby in the world on Saturday.

Other big news, she has rolled over from tummy to back. Still working hard to roll the other way. I started giving her some baby food last week. I know it is kind of early, but eating is definitely one of her strong points and so far she seems to be loving the bananas and peaches. So we're sticking with that for a while.

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