Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter 2014

We dyed Easter Eggs saturday night. Phoebe was a good helper!

We have found a good use for all of our paint samples. We have been painting bird houses like crazy. She does a pretty good job!

Sunday morning we had an Easter Egg hunt in the backyard. She was pretty good at finding the eggs and little treasures the easter bunny left her. 

Happy 2nd Birthday Phoebe!!!

Phoebe had a great 2nd birthday. Her day started off with waking up to a room full of balloons. She definitely understands how to open presents and had a lot of fun with each and every little thing. 

 Minnie Mouse plate set was a big hit!

 A couple of new books. She'll be the first to tell you she has plenty of books. But we read a bunch of books every day. For my sanity we need the variety. 

Phoebe helped me make cupcakes while Brent was at work. After he came home we went to the movie theater and saw Rio 2. She LOVED it. She wasn't scared at all. She sat for most of the movie, but when she felt the need to get up and dance she was able to do that too. When we came home we had cupcakes, sang Happy Birthday, and went to bed. 

 After a mini meltdown while the candles were being lit- she did come back around and blow them out.